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konferencja „„It Simply Pays Off! LGBTIQ+ Diversity & Inclusion Strategies in Workplaces”

konferencja „„It Simply Pays Off! LGBTIQ+ Diversity & Inclusion Strategies in Workplaces”

Koło Naukowe Queer UW zaprasza do nadsyłania abstraktów na konferencję


Konferencja odbędzie się po polsku i po angielsku.


The interest of academics in diversity and inclusion in the workplace (including gender, ethnicity, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion) is related to the fundamental changes taking place in societies around the world. Public figures, industry leaders and lobby groups are calling for more openness. Indeed, workplaces in the so-called ‚developed’ countries have experienced tremendous growth in the number of diverse groups. Inequalities in institutions and societies become more and more evident. It seems all the more important to explore the subject – to study not only the numbers, but also the rhetoric that is created around diversity and inclusiveness, so as to more accurately identify the mechanisms that legitimize the voices of silent minorities in increasingly diverse institutions.

The event will showcase the state of research on LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion and bring together various stakeholders committed to developing practical and sustainable solutions toward reducing workplace inequalities and increasing LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion.

Besides the fact that diversity and inclusion are a matter of social justice, they are also seen as the key to business success. Some companies are already starting to manage diversity and create inclusiveness programs to support and effectively use their resources. Prophets of diversity management emphasize its benefits, bringing attention to the possibility of drawing from various resources of the labour market, but also directing products and services to new groups of recipients.

The specific situation of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland in particular) seems to be caused by the desire (and sometimes the corporate necessity) to follow models defined by the largest market players in the world, but also the difficulty in accepting broadly understood diversity in a society which sees itself as homogeneous. Immigration and the opening of the labour market make these phenomena gain momentum.

The main goal of the conference is to reflect on the contact between the idea of ​​diversity and inclusivity and the realms of business and the economy. Although there are few Polish studies on this subject, we want to bring together researchers who deal with this area both theoretically and through empirical case studies. By linking them with invited international guests, organizers propose to debate not just research results but also methodologies and perspectives.

This international, multi-disciplinary conference aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines and geographic locations, policymakers, HR professionals, employers, employees, and civil society actors to get to know and learn from each other on the topic of LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion.

[ Applications and Dates ]

  • We invite you to submit applications in the form of an on-line form available at xxxxxxx until 31st of March 2022.
  • Deadline for notification of acceptance: 14th of April 2022.
  • Official announcement of conference programme: 1st May 2022.
  • The conference is planned for early June 2022 in Warsaw.

[ Scientific Council ]

  • dr hab. Tomasz Basiuk
  • prof. dr hab. Monika Kostera
  • dr hab. Monika Płatek
  • dr hab. Aleksandra Wąsowska

[ Contact and Questions ]

Additional information can be found on the Queer UW website – www.queer.uw.edu.pl. If you have any questions, please send them to kontakt@queer.uw.edu.


[ Conference Organizers ]

  • Queer UW
  • Wydział Zarządzania UW

[ Cooperation ]

Pro Diversity