W naszej bibliotece można znaleźć najważniejsze publikacje, materiały, poradniki, informatory, raporty oraz akty prawne zarówno uniwersyteckie, jak i spoza UW

Guides and strategic documents of the University of Warsaw
UW publications (avaliable in Polish)
Equal treatment based on gender – University of Warsaw community survey report 2019)
- The aim of the survey conducted among students and employees of the University of Warsaw was to analyze the perceived prevalence of various forms of unequal treatment based on gender. The study concerned types of unequal treatment, their frequency, situational context, responses to them, as well as perceived institutional norms. The links between unequal treatment and psychological well-being and well-being in the workplace were also studied. The purpose of formulating such a diagnosis was to more effectively prevent unequal treatment in the future, to define the areas to which special attention should be paid, the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. This knowledge was used in the creation of the Gender Equality Plan of the University of Warsaw. Authors and authors: dr Magdalena Budziszewska, dr Wiktor Soral, dr Aleksandra Świderska, dr Marta Witkowska, dr Karolina Hansen. Center for Research on Prejudice, University of Warsaw
Social situation of LGBT people in Poland (2021)
- The report prepared by the Center for Research on Prejudice of the University of Warsaw on behalf of the Campaign Against Homophobia
Parents at the University (2019)
- The report summarizes the project conducted at the University of Warsaw, implemented as part of the first edition of the Participatory Budget of the University of Warsaw. The report presents the situation and problems of female employees, university employees and students who have children. Analysis for the report: mgr. Mariusz Wieczorek; editing and additions: Hanna Schreiber, PhD, Julia Krzesicka, MA, parents participating in the project.
Recommendations on non-discriminatory language at the University of Warsaw (2021) available in Polish
- The university community is diverse and the language we use is not transparent, which means it can be easy to offend someone. Therefore, the University of Warsaw has prepared language recommendations, the aim of which is to indicate how to use the language in a non-discriminatory manner and to facilitate communication between members of the UW. In the recommendations, we can find general rules and examples illustrating which phrases are appropriate for people and how to verbally identify people taking into account their characteristics such as age, gender, appearance, origin, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental ability. The recommendations were written by university linguists at the request of the Rector’s Anti-Discrimination Commission.
Scientific reports created by the scholar society Queer UW (available in Polish):
- Oddzielone, oddzieleni (research on the situation of LGBTQ people studying at the University of Warsaw 2021)
- Wyobcowane, wyobcowani (research on the situation of LGBTQ people studying at the University of Warsaw 2016)
- Przemilczane, przemilczani (research on the situation of LGBTQ people studying at the University of Warsaw 2011)
Guides for transgender people in academia created by the scholar society Queer UW (available in Polish)
- Handbook “Trans* -inclusive University. Creating a student-friendly university trans* people. A guide for universities”
- Handbook “Trans * -inclusive University. Creating a student-friendly university for trans* people. A guide for administration”
- Handbook “Trans * -inclusive University. Creating a student-friendly university for trans* people. A guide for trans* students”
Documents from outside of the UW
- Language ethics (available in Polish)
- Gender inequality in language. Handbook for teachers and teachers of Warsaw schools (available in Polish)
- Guide for companies and organizations – a safe and friendly workplace for transgender persons, including non-binary persons available in Polish)
Publications dedicated to women in science:
- National Science Centre report Funkcjonowanie kobiet i mężczyzn w nauce
- European Commission report Mapping the maze. Getting more women to the top in research
- UNESCO Women in Science
Recommended reading from University of Warsaw Library
Resolutions and Ordinances of the UW
- Gender Equality Plan 2020-2023
- The ordinance on policies on preventing unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing, and other undesirable behaviour at the University of Warsaw
- Anti-Discrimination Procedure at the University of Warsaw (old version)
- The ordinance on the appointment of the Rector’s Committee for Counteracting Discrimination for the 2020–2024 (available in Polish)
- The ordinance on the establishment of the Committee for Counteracting Mobbing for the term 2020-20204 (available in Polish)
- Senate resolution on mutual respect regardless of beliefs political or ideological (available in Polish)
Polish and international legal acts