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Parenthood involves considerable challenges in reconciling responsibilities with work and studies. Therefore, among the five general objectives set out in the Gender Equality Plan for the UW, one of them is dedicated to supporting a work-life balance, including family life. Initiatives envisaged within this objective include the development of care infrastructure at the UW, changing the organisational culture to take into account the needs of parents working and studying there, and increasing the visibility of care responsibilities.

We want the University to be a parent-friendly place, providing support for all academic community members to combine professional and personal roles. We encourage you to share with us your ideas and solutions concerning the area of work-life balance (rownouprawnienie@uw.edu.pl).

BEING A PARENT AT UW – a university-wide research study of the needs of parents at the university

Knowledge database


Where to find support

Initiatives at the UW


Good practices in the area of work-life balance

    1. Uniwersity of Warsaw 
    2. Charles University (Czech Republic)
    3. Heidelberg University (Germany)
    4. Sorbonne Université (France)
    5. Copenhagen Uniwversity (Denmark)
    6. University of Milan (Italy)




Konkurs IDUB dla rodziców

W dn. 4 marca br. został otwarty konkurs na projekty badawcze przeznaczony dla rodziców powracających do pracy badawczej po przerwach związanych z opieką nad dziećmi. Konkurs skierowany jest do osób ...

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