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New improvements in the equality policy at the University of Warsaw

On February 28 this year a new ordinance of the Rector of the UW No. 21 on policies on preventing unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing, and other undesirable behaviour at the University of Warsaw entered into force.

The ordinance comprehensively regulates issues related to counteracting behaviour that are unacceptable at the University of Warsaw (e.g. sexual harassment, unequal treatment, mobbing and other undesirable behaviour).

The ordinance integrates and organizes the existing anti-discrimination and anti-mobbing procedures, unifies and streamlines the functioning of the Unequal Treatment and Discrimination Commission and the Mobbing and Other Undesirable Behaviour Commission, and regulates the manner in which proceedings before both Commissions are conducted.

In addition, the ordinance introduces solutions in the field of prevention and education, as well as support for people experiencing undesirable behaviour.

The most important changes introduced by the ordinance:

  • instead of two separate procedures for counteracting discrimination and mobbing – one procedure covering counteracting a wide range of behaviours unacceptable at the UW: unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviours;
  • establishing a Team of Coordinators for counteracting unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviour – the Team includes two Coordinators who receive complaints and support reporting persons in preparing for proceedings before the competent Commission;
  • unification of the procedure for reporting complaints (sumbmtting a formal complaint online available on the website of the Team of Coordinators);
  • unification of the procedure for conducting explanatory proceedings by two Commissions: Unequal Treatment and Discrimination Commission and the Mobbing and Other Undesirable Behaviour Commission;
  • indication of specific rights of aggrieved  party and consequences for persons engaging in undesirable behaviour;
  • mandatory appointment of Equality Plenipotentiaries at faculties and doctoral schools and the possibility of appointing such Plenipotentiaries in other organizational units of the University;
  • it is mandatory for persons starting work at the UW to familiarize themselves with the content of the regulation as well as materials and training on counteracting unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviour;
  • mandatory training on counteracting unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviour for persons starting their studies in the first year;
  • the obligation to disseminate materials and training regarding the above-mentioned issues among the entire academic community imposed on heads of teaching and organisational units as well as Equality Plenipotentiaries.

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