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Gender Equality Programme in Academia – GEPARD

The University of Silesia in Katowice plays the leading role in the project financed from EU funds ‘GEPARD – Gender Equality Programme in Academia – Raising Diversity’.

The aim of the GEPARD project was to create equal opportunities for women and men in the academic environment. For that purpose, we were preparing the system of actions functioning as a part of organisational policy. The actions were aimed at eliminating gender-based discrimination (among both the employees and the students) and simultaneously striving to increase diversity in the academic environment.

The project was realised as a part of the international consortium consisting of higher education institutions from Poland, Austria, Hungary, Cyprus and Malta and an Italian enterprise closely connected with the academic environment.

We encourage you to read the materials developed as part of the project, including:

  • handbook on monitoring and evaluation gender equality in the university space
  • training materials and tools useful during the implementation of gender equality plans in institutions.

The summary of the GEPARD project was an international scientific conference “Diversity, equality and inclusion in the community – supporting well-being and sustainable development“, which took place at the University of Silesia on March 21-22, 2024. This event was an opportunity to present the results of the GEPARD project and discuss the importance and ways of implementing the principles of diversity, equivalence and inclusion in academic and non-academic environments.

Representatives of the University of Warsaw also took part in the conference as speakers: Anna Grędzińska, equal opportunities chief specialist, dr Anna Cybulko, academic ombudsmen, prof. Aneta Ostaszewska, head of the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at the UW.

The conference is available on YouTube:

Day I – March 21: https://www.youtube.com/live/84NDhgYVC6s?si=BFbj5c5Zk_CzUcGr

Day II – March 22: https://www.youtube.com/live/jyUZz0iKfuw?si=nO6MqxmV3SzHTCah