We encourage you to read the annual reports summarizing the implementation of the “Plan for Gender Equality for the University of Warsaw. Equality Action Plan for 2020-2023”.
The actions provided for in the Gender Equality Plan are aimed at strengthening the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment, which are respected at the University of Warsaw. The overriding goal of the Plan is to make the University a friendly and safe place for the entire academic community.
As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the Plan began with a delay – according to the original assumptions, the implementation of the Plan was planned for January 2020, while the Plan was adopted in August 2020, therefore the implementation of activities was possible only from September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many activities had to be reformulated, some activities changed their form from stationary to online, and the implementation of some activities had to be suspended. Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, the vast majority of planned activities are carried out and we believe that they will be fully implemented. In order to implement the actions provided for in the Gender Equality Plan in a thoughtful and effective way, we decided to extend its implementation by one year. In accordance with the Rector’s Ordinance, the Plan will be in force until the end of 2024.
In order for the Gender Equality Plan to be fully implemented, it is necessary to involve the entire academic community, which is why we encourage you to join the work on individual activities (, as well as follow the progress and effects of our work on the equality website.