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Application form about discrimination

    1.Data of the reporting person

    2. Connection with the University of Warsaw

    (max. 150 characters)

    3. What the event or series of events is the subject of:

    (max. 350 characters)

    4. Do you think the event/series of events was motivated by any of the following:

    (max. 350 characters)

    5. Description of the incident(s) (max. 2500 characters)

    6. Where the incident/the last in a series of incidents took place (multiple selection possible)

    Where? (max. 350 characters)

    7. When the incident/the last in a series of incidents took place

    8. Was anyone present during the incident?

    Who? (max. 350 characters)

    9. Do you have evidence documenting the incident (recordings, photos, e-mails)

    (max. 500 characters, general description of what it is, at this stage, without attaching evidence - for information purposes only)

    10. Has the incident been reported to any institution/unit yet?

    What? (max. 350 characters)

    What ? (max. 350 characters)

    (max. 350 characters)

    Information about the processing of personal data