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Academic Safety and Equality Network

The Academic Network for Security and Equality (Polish: Akademicka Sieć Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy – ASBiR) is a community connecting people who perform functions at Polish universities related to the protection of academic rights and values, as well as security, equality and diversity. ASBiR has been a registered association since April 2023, and employees of the University of Warsaw dealing with equality and security are its members.

Objectives and scope of the association’s activities:

  • providing a space for safe and confidential sharing of knowledge and experience about problems existing at the university and ways to solve them,
  • searching for the best action in situations requiring assistance,
  • creating a knowledge base and exchanging good practices,
  • diagnosing and signaling problems common to academic institutions,
  • conducting joint research and creating “cross-university” reports,
  • national and international cooperation with organizations working for equality and security at the academy, in particular with the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education – ENOHE,
  • sharing information about national and international events.

How we operate?

We meet at least once every two months on-line. Meetings are organized alternately by people from the network and discuss specific, previously agreed topics. During the meetings, we discuss common problems, share experiences, present solutions adopted at individual universities, discuss current topics and inform each other about planned events and news.

At least once a year we meet at a stationary plenary meeting, organized in rotation by successive universities.

The network also has its own virtual space on the Teams platform, which is used for ongoing communication, regular online meetings and gathering a common knowledge base.

The ASBiR library is available HERE.

How to join us?

We invite everyone interested to join the activities of the Network. If you perform functions related to the protection of academic rights and values, security, equality and diversity in the academic world and you identify with goals adopted by our Network – join us!

We encourage you to participate in the events we organize, support us in updating the website and co-create a virtual community. Persons interested in joining the association are asked to read the statute and then contact the secretary – ombuds@ur.edu.pl

More information:


Linked In: Akademicka Sieć Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy